Behringer X32 Live Setup

Here you can download a X32 live-setup file from the Book
„Mixing Small Gigs Like A Pro“.

Attention: Please change the file name extension after unpacking to *.scn!!


  • 16 Inputs / 8 Outputs
  • Instruments:
    Drums, Bass, 2x Guitar, Keyboard, Sampler, 4x Vocals
  • 4 Stage Monitors
  • 2 Main Groups (Vocals & Instruments)
  • Graphic Equalizer in every output
  • 3 Effects: short reverb, long reverb, Tap Delay
  • De-esser for 2 vocalists
  • Gates, Equalizer and Compressor are preset

Checklist For The Available Equipment For Small Events

From our Book:
„Mixing Small Gigs Like A Pro“
Get an overview of the available equipment! Whether it’s cables, speakers, or anything in between – make sure you have what you’ll need for the event!

Checklist For Consulting The Organizer Of Small Events

From our Book:
„Mixing Small Gigs Like A Pro“
Ask a lot of questions so you get all the information or get the phone numbers of people who know. You’ll be the most efficient if you can get all the important questions answered before the event!

Checklist Linecheck - Why Can't I Hear Anything?

From our Book:
„Mixing Small Gigs Like A Pro“
This list helps you to troubleshoot when you get no signal out of the PA system.